With dynamic loading, a routine is not loaded until it is called. This method is especially useful when large amounts of code are needed in order to handle infrequently occurring cases such as error routines.
The concept of overlays is that whenever a process is running it will not use the complete program at the same time, it will use only some part of it. Then overlays concept says that whatever part you required, you load it and once the part is done, then you just unload it, which means just pull it back and get the new part you required and run it. Formally, “The process of transferring a block of program code or other data into internal memory, replacing what is already stored”.
Processes are stored and remove from memory, which makes free memory space, which is too little to even consider utilizing by different processes. Suppose, that process is not ready to dispense to memory blocks since its little size and memory hinder consistently stay unused is called fragmentation. This kind of issue occurs during a dynamic memory allotment framework when free blocks are small, so it can’t satisfy any request.
Thrashing occurs when processes on the system frequently access pages not available memory.
LThe best paging size varies from system to system, so there is no single best when it comes to page size. There are different factors to consider in order to come up with a suitable page size, such as page table, paging time, and its effect on the overall efficiency of the operating system.
Multitasking is a logical extension of a multiprogramming system that supports multiple programs to run concurrently. In multitasking, more than one task is executed at the same time. In this technique, the multiple tasks, also known as processes, share common processing resources such as a CPU.
The cache is a smaller and faster memory that stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. There are various different independent caches in a CPU, which store instructions and data. Cache memory is used to reduce the average time to access data from the Main memory.
Spooling refers to simultaneous peripheral operations online, spooling refers to putting jobs in a buffer, a special area in memory, or on a disk where a device can access them when it is ready. Spooling is useful because devices access data at different rates.
The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language into machine code. The source program is an input of an assembler that contains assembly language instructions. The output generated by the assembler is the object code or machine code understandable by the computer.
The interrupts are a signal emitted by hardware or software when a process or an event needs immediate attention. It alerts the processor to a high-priority process requiring interruption of the current working process. In I/O devices one of the bus control lines is dedicated for this purpose and is called the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
GUI is short for Graphical User Interface. It provides users with an interface wherein actions can be performed by interacting with icons and graphical symbols.
Preemptive multitasking is a type of multitasking that allows computer programs to share operating systems (OS) and underlying hardware resources. It divides the overall operating and computing time between processes, and the switching of resources between different processes occurs through predefined criteria.
A Pipe is a technique used for inter-process communication. A pipe is a mechanism by which the output of one process is directed into the input of another process. Thus it provides a one-way flow of data between two related processes.
They are machine-independent.
• Easy to implement.
• Correctness is easy to determine.
• Can have many different critical sections with different semaphores.
• Semaphores acquire many resources simultaneously.
• No waste of resources due to busy waiting.
Bootstrapping is the process of loading a set of instructions when a computer is first turned on or booted. During the startup process, diagnostic tests are performed, such as the power-on self-test (POST), that set or check configurations for devices and implement routine testing for the connection of peripherals, hardware, and external memory devices. The bootloader or bootstrap program is then loaded to initialize the OS.
Inter-process communication (IPC) is a mechanism that allows processes to communicate with each other and synchronize their actions. The communication between these processes can be seen as a method of co-operation between them.
The main objective of multiprogramming is to have a process running at all times. With this design, CPU utilization is said to be maximized.
SMP is a short form of Symmetric Multi-Processing. It is the most common type of multiple-processor systems. In this system, each processor runs an identical copy of the operating system, and these copies communicate with one another as needed.
In asymmetric clustering, a machine is in a state known as hot standby mode where it does nothing but to monitor the active server. That machine takes the active server’s role should the server fails.
RR (round-robin) scheduling algorithm is primarily aimed for time-sharing systems. A circular queue is a setup in such a way that the CPU scheduler goes around that queue, allocating CPU to each process for a time interval of up to around 10 to 100 milliseconds.
The concept of overlays is that whenever a process is running it will not use the complete program at the same time, it will use only some part of it. Then overlays concept says that whatever part you required, you load it and once the part is done, then you just unload it, which means just pull it back and get the new part you required and run it. Formally, “The process of transferring a block of program code or other data into internal memory, replacing what is already stored”.
The direct Access method is based on a disk model of a file, such that it is viewed as a numbered sequence of blocks or records. It allows arbitrary blocks to be read or written. Direct access is advantageous when accessing large amounts of information. Direct memory access (DMA) is a method that allows an input/output (I/O) device to send or receive data directly to or from the main memory, bypassing the CPU to speed up memory operations. The process is managed by a chip known as a DMA controller (DMAC).
Processes are stored and remove from memory, which makes free memory space, which is too little to even consider utilizing by different processes. Suppose, that process is not ready to dispense to memory blocks since its little size and memory hinder consistently stay unused is called fragmentation. This kind of issue occurs during a dynamic memory allotment framework when free blocks are small, so it can’t satisfy any request.
Thrashing occurs when processes on the system frequently access pages not available memory.
The best paging size varies from system to system, so there is no single best when it comes to page size. There are different factors to consider in order to come up with a suitable page size, such as page table, paging time, and its effect on the overall efficiency of the operating system.
A scheduling algorithm is a process that is used to improve efficiency by utilizing maximum CPU and providing minimum waiting time to tasks. It simply deals with the problem of deciding which of outstanding requests is to be allocated resources. Its main aim is to reduce resource starvation and to ensure fairness amongst parties that are utilizing the resources. In simple words, it is used to allocate resources among various competing tasks.
It is a memory management technique feature of OS that creates the illusion to users of a very large (main) memory. It is simply space where a greater number of programs can be stored by themselves in the form of pages. It enables us to increase the use of physical memory by using a disk and also allows us to have memory protection. It can be managed in two common ways by OS i.e., paging and segmentation. It acts as temporary storage that can be used along with RAM for computer processes.
Overlays is basically a programming method that divides processes into pieces so that instructions that are important and need can be saved in memory. It does not need any type of support from the OS. It can run programs that are bigger in size than physical memory by only keeping only important data and instructions that can be needed at any given time.
FCFS (First Come First Serve) is a type of OS scheduling algorithm that executes processes in the same order in which processes arrive. In simple words, the process that arrives first will be executed first. It is non-preemptive in nature. FCFS scheduling may cause the problem of starvation if the burst time of the first process is the longest among all the jobs. Burst time here means the time that is required in milliseconds by the process for its execution. It is also considered the easiest and simplest OS scheduling algorithm as compared to others. Implementation of FCFS is generally managed with help of the FIFO (First In First Out) queue.
A Pipe is a technique used for inter-process communication. A pipe is a mechanism by which the output of one process is directed into the input of another process. Thus it provides a one-way flow of data between two related processes.
A socket is used to make connection between two applications. Endpoints of the connection are called socket.
A process that has finished the execution but still has an entry in the process table to report to its parent process is known as a zombie process. A child process always first becomes a zombie before being removed from the process table. The parent process reads the exit status of the child process which reaps off the child process entry from the process table.
A process whose parent process no more exists i.e. either finished or terminated without waiting for its child process to terminate is called an orphan process.
Switching of CPU to another process means saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state for the new process. In Context Switching the process is stored in the Process Control Block to serve the new process, so that the old process can be resumed from the same part it was left.
The process control block (PCB) is a block that is used to track the process’s execution status. A process control block (PCB) contains information about the process, i.e. registers, quantum, priority, etc. The process table is an array of PCBs, that means logically contains a PCB for all of the current processes in the system.
The set of dispatchable processes is in a safe state if there exists at least one temporal order in which all processes can be run to completion without resulting in a deadlock.
Cycle stealing is a method of accessing computer memory (RAM) or bus without interfering with the CPU. It is similar to direct memory access (DMA) for allowing I/O controllers to read or write RAM without CPU intervention.
A trap is a software interrupt, usually the result of an error condition, and is also a non-maskable interrupt and has the highest priority Trapdoor is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication.
A Dispatch latency can be described as the amount of time it takes for a system to respond to a request for a process to begin operation. With a scheduler written specifically to honor application priorities, real-time applications can be developed with a bounded dispatch latency.
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